Latest News
- DuPont Microbiome Venture Announces a Strategic Partnership with BioMe Oxford6 June 2019 - 10:51
- Winning the IMAGINE IF! competition – a game-changing experience for start-up BioMe Oxford13 September 2018 - 21:05
- Significant role of bacteria in the small intestine for obesity18 April 2018 - 22:29
- BioMe Oxford – Winners of the IMAGINE IF! 2017 Accelerator6 February 2018 - 18:23
- We won the global IMAGINE IF! business competition6 December 2017 - 22:53
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DuPont Microbiome Venture Announces a Strategic Partnership with BioMe Oxford
/by Patrick K. AlbersWinning the IMAGINE IF! competition – a game-changing experience for start-up BioMe Oxford
/by Patrick K. AlbersSignificant role of bacteria in the small intestine for obesity
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe Oxford – Winners of the IMAGINE IF! 2017 Accelerator
/by Patrick K. AlbersWe won the global IMAGINE IF! business competition
/by Patrick K. AlbersIn the spotlight on ClusterMarket
BioMe Oxford Ltd was featured as the new innovation in the community on ClusterMarket, making into the spotlight.
Please click here to check out these news on CluterMarket.
BioMe Oxford named among the top biotech startups from Oxford
/by Patrick K. AlbersJA Kemp, IP partner for BioMe Oxford, continues to support Biostars 2017
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe Oxford successfully secures seed investment from the Oxford seed fund
/by Patrick K. AlbersNinja pill, anyone?
/by Patrick K. Albers